Lê Quang Store

Our Vision

Le Quang Store is committed to becoming a leading online entertainment products retailer. Our professional staff works hard to bring high quality genuine products to the online marketplace and maintain integrity, consistency, and pleasing humor across all levels of service. in customer experience.

Le Quang Store

Our Mission

We always adhere to the working motto:

  • Obviously
  • Quality
  • Consistency
  • Reputation
  • Genuine and trustworthy

We takes pride in providing customer satisfaction. We take all measures so that your questions are answered within a few hours and no more than 24 hours (except weekends). Our highly trained staff is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Further, Lê Quang Store use your own e-commerce solution for an easy-to-use, highly secure, and data-protected website. Rest assured your information is safe with us.

Lê Quang Store Sales target everywhere in the world.

 Nhà sáng lập và Giám đốc điều hành
About Le Quang Store 8

Founder and CEO

Nhà phát triển
About Le Quang Store 9


Giám đốc vận hành
About Le Quang Store 10

Operation Director

Trưởng phòng tiếp thị
About Le Quang Store 11

Marketing Director

Nhà thiết kế
About Le Quang Store 12


Nhà thiết kế
About Le Quang Store 13



Shipping to all parts of the country

Best Quality

Committed to the best quality even if it is a used product

Best Service

Point accumulation system, discount codes when shopping..

Secure Payment

Diverse and secure payment methods